Christmas Can Be Chaotic
As a child, I absolutely loved Christmas. The excitement of presents under the tree in the morning, all the Christmas music, and the feeling of joy as you open that one present that you had on your list that you felt you just couldn't live without. I especially loved getting together with family and just spending uninterrupted quality time with them.
When I finally got out on my own and started to have to enjoy Christmas as an adult...I realized that Christmas is chaos! You have to figure out what to buy for so many different people, but not spend your entire life savings somehow. Trying to coordinate plans so you can spend time with family can be a nightmare, especially when in a relationship and trying to figure out when you're going where.

After a few years on my own I started to realize I was beginning to dread Christmas time. I wasn't making enough money to afford the kinds of gifts my loved ones deserved and I just didn't want to bother with all the running around and stress that came with the once adored holiday season.
What Made Christmas Special?
I started to realize how I was feeling and when I saw children be excited about it all, I envied them. I envied the innocence and the lack of responsibility they had. So, I started to evaluate why I really felt the way I felt about it. What I realized was I put too much pressure on myself to be perfect. I was trying to find the perfect gifts for the perfect price. Plan the season to perfection. I worried about how many gifts I got and broke my wallet getting there.
What I ended up realizing is that the Christmas spirit as they call it isn't about presents. It is about coming together. When I really looked back on my childhood it was really the traditions that I cherished the most. In my house, and I know in many it was tradition for us to open one gift on Christmas eve. I didn't care that it was PJs most of the time, it could have been a crumpled up piece of paper. The fun part was that it was something that happened every year consistently. Something to look forward to.

Another thing we always did was Christmas morning my mom would make a big breakfast. She would pull the griddle out and make bacon, eggs and pancakes. I always woke up to the smell of bacon in the house. That meant it was Christmas morning to me. The next thing we would do is open stockings. Stockings always had to be first! Then I would go under the tree and hand out the presents based on what the tags said. But I didn't really care about the presents, I mean yes presents are great, but what I loved was spending that quality time together.
Getting My Christmas Spirit Back
I started to realize that it did not matter what presents I got people, whether I got them one present or ten. It really mattered if I spent that time with them. So, I stopped going all out and focused on the more meaningful presents instead of the number of presents. I started looking forward to spending time with loved ones. During Thanksgiving this year, I was able to have more fun because I put my phone down, stepped into the kitchen and asked to be given a job. I ended up having one of the best thanksgivings I have had in a very long time. I looked forward to the traditions we have in our family every year.
For Christmas this year, I am more excited about Christmas than I have been since I got out on my own ten years ago. I have watched Christmas movies, listened to Christmas music, I was excited to put up the tree and decorate the house (this was something I usually put off to the last minute in recent years). My boyfriend and I put the tree up together, I realized that the tree I had purchased last year was actually more of a mini tree, about half the size of a regular tree. Instead of getting angry that it wasn't "perfect", I laughed and we decided that we liked it for its uniqueness. I actually enjoyed my time because I was able to spend it with someone I love, laughing, singing, dancing, and just enjoying myself.

A few days later I went Christmas shopping and actually enjoyed myself. I didn't stress about whether or not the person would be impressed by what I bought them. I just focused on getting something that would mean more and the joy of giving. I felt excited seeing all the Christmas items that were on display. I found joy in my drive looking at how various people had decided to decorate their homes.
What About If I Have Kids?
This is probably something that you may be thinking if you have children. If you have children, that can add to the stress as there is so much pressure to get that perfect gift they want. Maybe there isn't enough money to get that special present. Well, as a former child, I can tell you that it truly doesn't matter. GASP! I know. But, even if your child seems disappointed, they truly crave that feeling of family more than the presents...even if they cant see it right now.
My suggestion is to involve your children in the joy of Christmas. Allow them to help you wrap presents (not their own of course). Create new traditions, bake cookies together, invite them to help you put up the tree (most people probably do this already). Throw on some pajamas, drink hot cocoa and watch a Christmas movie. Stop stressing about making everything perfect and just enjoy the time spent with family.

I know it all seems a little too simple, and that I dont have children, so how could I possibly understand? Well, I was a child once and the things I mentioned were the things I looked forward to the most as a child. When I have children, I look forward to all of the activities.
How to Save Money on Gifts
This is the hardest and most stressful part, the gifts and the money that goes into it. This year, I got many gifts, but all the gifts were ones that I found on sale, or at thrift stores. I visited three different thrift stores in order to find a bunch of gifts that I felt others would really enjoy. I also bought items from clearance and scoured amazon for the best deals on items. There are also many different sites that sell used name brand items. One of my favorites is Poshmark. I have found many items new with tags for half off or more than they originally would have been. It can truly be a life saver when someone wants a gift that is super pricy and out of your budget. Do not be ashamed to buy used items or shop at thrift stores. If anything it is helping someone else out. We all know we end up with too much stuff and have to get rid of it somehow. Well, people bring their stuff to thrift stores, or sell them on sites like Poshmark. Those people now get to let go of some stuff that probably would have just sat around forever, and you get to put the item to use, for less than they had to pay! Win, win!
Just Enjoy Yourself
This year for Christmas, and for years to come, forget about the pressure of gifts, the pricy prices of gifts, and just focus on what and the joy of spending time with loved ones. Enjoy yourself, watch some corny Christmas movies, dance around in your PJs and get back that feeling of the Christmas spirit!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and that you take a deep breath and enjoy it. We only live this life once so we have to make the most of it. No one is perfect, and Christmas doesn't have to be either. See you all next time!

- Jacasa Currie - Blooming Thoughts Blog
Happy holidays from my family to yours!
Originally Posted 12/12/24