Hello all. Welcome to my new segment called Blooming Thoughts Thursday where I post a blog every Thursday. This week we will be talking about the ins and outs of my blog!
I started this blog after stopping my last blog. I had a blog a while back that was focused on various things, mostly my story of my experiences.
When starting this blog I did not want to drag out my story, although I am sure that it does pull in more readers. I made one post that explains all I have been through. I am sure that I might write more pieces about mental health, but it will not be the main topic.
I wanted to make this blog to share that story I never finished, but also just to engage with people, and discuss various things in my world. I want to write about plants as I love my garden, photography (plug for Jacasa June Photography), books, and much more. I love writing and feel as though this is something that can get my creative juices going for writing. Many do not know this but I have always wanted to be an author. I have been working on a few different pieces that I think would make great books. My problem is I have so many ideas that I start many books and haven't finished one yet. I am aiming to finish at least one by the end of this year. So, be on the lookout for that!
I am not blogging to make money, although I know many people do make money from their blog. I honestly have no idea how to even go about that besides maybe ads. But, it is really more about getting my writing out there and fun for me. I hope to engage with my readers as well. You can make comments on my blog posts, anonymously or with your name. It is a great way to engage with my writing.
Another thing I wanted to discuss is why I chose the name Blooming Thoughts. I wanted something unique that expressed what my blog will be about. I love plants and also feel like I just say whatever thought is blooming in my head so I feel that this name is perfect for my blog.
I really look forward to learning new things throughout this process and sharing my content with everyone. I hope you all come back to read each week and any time I make a blog post.
Since I mentioned that I am writing books I will put some snippets here:
Tangled Hearts: This book is a spicy and drama packed book about a girl who falls for a guy who pretends to be Mr. Right until one day he's not (much like my own experience). It is a story that I feel many people will relate to and will also keep them on the edge of their seats.
Blood-Stained Redemption: This starts out strong with the main character standing in a pool of blood, who's blood? Her ex-husband! This one is a thriller, action packed and tells the story of an abusive relationship that turns to stalking and eventually death. The story goes through how she ended up in that situation and how she gets redemption for herself in her life by getting through the trauma she endured. Some of this book is also based on events that I had experienced (although not to the extreme in the book).
The Woman Who Went Missing: This one is a little more laid back thriller than the last. A girl is on a mission to find her mother who has gone missing. She has not given up hope that her mom is alive and out there. Follow her journey to see if she finds her mom or not.
Wrong Number Right Person: This one is the one that is a little different than the others. It is a romance book, but also a little drama. I actually got the idea from a movie that I had watched where the girl was texting her dead husband's phone, but the number now belonged to someone new. In my book, the person texts someone who was once a person whom they had a fling with, but they got a new number. They end up falling for each other with a little bit of drama sprinkled in.
I know it seems like a lot, and it is. I get an idea and I start to write about it. Then I get another and write about that. It is not the best process and I have to keep notes on each to remember where I was, but I think that in the end they will all be good reads.
I hope everyone enjoyed this week's Blooming Thoughts Thursday piece. I will see you all soon!
Originally Posted 6/27/24