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A Little More About Me

Some of my readers may not know who I am, so let me tell you a little about myself...

I grew up in a small town in upstate New York called Norwich, NY. I enjoy the feel of a small town, how you know everyone you see and the sense of community. I graduated from Norwich High School in 2015. I then attended Cazenovia College, which is actually closed down now. I was majoring in graphic design. My next year I realized that was never going to use my degree, so I ended up not returning.

After leaving I ended up getting married at 19, which is a disaster for a whole other time. We ended up losing his mom unexpectedly, which was who we were living with at the time. So, we both moved out to Ohio to go live with his adoptive parents. After that inevitably ended and moving back and forth twice, I ended up back in Norwich.

This was one of the worst times of my life. I had lost who I was and was not ready to find myself yet. I burned a lot of bridges and made a lot of mistakes during this time. I moved in with my Grandma who had just lost her husband, my grandfather, as she was having a hard time adjusting to being alone for the first time in many years. Eventually we ended up moving her into an assisted living facility to get her some more assistance.

During this time I struggled with horrible roommate situations, and struggled my way through friendships and romantic relationships. I was not myself, and did not even know who I was. I looked for happiness in all the wrong places. I eventually realized I wanted to go back to college and after changing majors a few times, I ended up finally going with what I really wanted: childhood education. I had always wanted to be a teacher. But I had always heard that teachers were underpaid and under appreciated so I never went for it. But, I had realized that I needed to do the things that make me happy. So, I went for it. I found that dealing with children is my niche. I got an associates degree in early childhood education and was working in schools. I tried to continue my degree for my bachelors online, but realized that I just could not handle that. I wanted to be in a classroom, engaging in discussion and learning in a more hands-on environment. So, after working at Unadilla Valley, I met a teacher who encouraged me to go back. She suggested that I check out SUNY Oneonta. I took a tour and ended up loving it. I have been attending for a year now and after adding on a minor in educational psychology, I now have two years left. I intend to be an elementary teacher. I look forward to continuing my education and diving into a fulfilling career. 

Here is another bit of information that some people may not know; I was adopted. I was adopted before I was born. My biological mother was very young and was not ready to be a parent and my adoptive parents were not able to have children. They were introduced to each other through someone at my adoptive mom's work. After they met everything was sent in place. I was not able to know anything about my biological mother until I turned 18. I also was to be named with my middle name being June, which was the biological family name. My parents also had to send my birth mother a picture of me every year.

I did not know this, but I had three younger sisters, however they knew about me. So, almost a year after I turned 18, my birth mom sent a Facebook message to my adoptive mom saying that life was going well and that I had three sisters. I will never forget the feeling of pure joy reading this message. Growing up without siblings was really hard and I had always wanted siblings. I met my bio mom and my sisters within a few days of each other. We have had ups and downs but we are extremely close and I see them very frequently. I wouldn't trade our relationship for anything.

In current times, I am living in Mount Upton. I moved over here to help my Grandfather who was not able to get around very easily. I have been here for three years now. I love being here although it is not my forever home. I hope to one day live closer to my sisters. I currently work at the Norwich McDonalds, while still attending college. I enjoy it for the time being. I live with my boyfriend, my dog, three cats, and aquatic turtle. It is kind of a zoo, but I love it, most of the time.

Overall, life has thrown me many curveballs, but I have always figured things out and am now happy, healthy and thriving.



Blooming Thoughts Blog

A Safe Space for Healing and Growth

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